popslotbet table tennis competition The 4th Asian Para Games at Gongshu Canal Sports Park Stadium, Hangzhou, China, on the 22nd, was the first round of competition on the first day, men’s individual category, Class 6, Group A, Rungroj Thainiyom, owner of 2 medals. Asian Para Games 2018 gold, competing with Rahmad Hidayat from Indonesia.
The results showed that Rungroj still showed form worthy of his price, winning the game 3-0 11-3, 11-6, 11-3, successfully collecting his first victory. popslotbet
As for the results of other Thai athletes Male Class 4 Group A: Wanchai Chaiyawut won against Kosal Yoy from Cambodia 3-0, Male Class 8 Group B: Pisit Wangphonpattanasiri won against Sun Shuren from China 3-2. Male Class 11 Group C Ekarin Chaiprathum lost to Takeshi Takemori from Japan 0-3 games, Male Class 11 Group E Kunanon Disthasunon lost to Koya Kato from Japan 0-3 games, Male Class 3 Group B Yutjak Klinbanchuen defeated Yerlan Kasiev from Kazakhstan 3-0, Male Class 5 Group A Teeradej Klangmanee lost 0-3 to Cheng Ming Chee from Taiwan. ( popslotbet )
Women’s singles, Class 11, Group A, Pornwimon Wangprachum lost to Natsuki Wada from Japan 0-3, women’s singles, Class 4, Group C, Wichitra Jai-on defeated Ahad Alrashidi from Kuwait 3-0, women’s singles. Class 11, Group D, Pimonpan Deekham lost to Yiya Lee Lydia 0-3 from Taiwan.